Church of Universal God & Faith Equilibrium
"God always has something better!"
Your Blessing:
The Gift of Salvation & The Life Bringing Word of God

God, my Father in Heaven, I know that I have sinned and am a sinner. I sincerely acknowledge my sins and repent of them, and ask for your forgiveness. I know and believe that Jesus was crucified for my sins, died and buried, and on the third day he arose, conquering death for my sake despite my unworthiness. Jesus, please enter my heart and save my soul. Teach me to be like you, and to follow your will for my life. I accept you into my heart humbly and faithfully, and through you am made new. Through you alone, I am saved, in the holy name of Christ Jesus I pray. Amen.
Now What?
After truly accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you are a new creature in spirit. With this great change comes great responsibility. What has always been missing from your life is now within you, and all things are possible through Christ.
Of course, now that you have becomed saved, the enemy(Satan) will come harder against you, and you must be ready. Stay in the Word reading it daily, pray as often as you can, give God the praise for all in your life, and fellowship with other believers. As long as you remain close to God, you will realize that the devil has no power over you. Remember though, the journey is not easy, but it is well worth it in the end. Congratulations on making the best decision you could ever make in your life.
Below you'll find many resources from sermons to newsletters to help you grow spiritually. Make Bible reading a part of your daily life, and you will grow and mature spiritually.
Current Message
I spent years looking into programs, or “business opportunities”, that would make me rich …years trying to find the perfect opportunity, or the perfect venue, to bring me success. And, what I found was that there was none.
There is no magic formula to give you with what you want in life, and to make you happy and fulfilled. What there is though is choice. God is just! He is just enough to make the sun rise on both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt 5:45). What this means is that everyone, no matter where you are from, no matter what your background, no matter what you have done, has EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to obtain the kingdom of Heaven. Everyone has the same opportunity to obtain and enjoy happiness, love, peace, and prosperity; it is an even playing field. But, it is the ones that choose it, that receive it.
Ask and you shall receive: Receive what, the answers, knowledge, and wisdom on how to live.
Seek and you shall find: You will find your path through research, training, education, mentorship, experience. Seeking is more than just opening a book, picking a path, and it happens; it is the training and preparation – truly seeking to find and learn everything you can learn about to achieve it.
It is funny how, not HA-HA funny, but funny how when we were seeking sin in our lives nothing could stop us from ever achieving it – we’d become like an unbeatable army to obtain it – but then we cower and give up at the drop of a dime when it comes to obtaining righteous things. Seek it and you shall find it.
Knock and the door shall be opened: And after you have sought and prepared yourself, trained yourself, taught yourself how to do and succeed in what you want to do, when you knock, success will then welcome you in. The door to your desires will be opened.
These are your options in life, if you so choose to receive them. Like I said, there is no magic formula, but there is choice, and you combine that choice with the effort (the work – seeking to find), in order to achieve it, not relying on everybody else’s expertise to carry you into it, but learning from their experience so that YOU can carry YOURSELF into greatness!
You know what, all the counseling in the world is worthless unless and until you are ready and willing to listen to it, and do what it advises. All of the self-help books in the world are worthless, until you are willing to DO SOMETHING. Until you finally get FED UP with where you are, enough to propel you into action, nothing happens! That’s why so many people have to hit rock bottom before turning their life around, because it takes rock bottom before they get FED UP! And though so often things don’t truly start to change until then, the seeds that you plant until that time do help determine which way you’ll go when you get to the point of decision.
This is why you must learn to stop planting negative seeds into yourself, because whatever you plant, whether it is good fruit or bad seed, as you feed it, it will eventually come to pass, sprouting and bearing fruit of its own kind. Therefore…
Stop teaching yourself to be afraid of failure. Failure is only an opportunity to obtain greater knowledge… You learn that what you thought was good was not correct so now you are able to make those corrections and be better than you would’ve been.
Stop teaching yourself to be afraid of success. Success is the fruit of your labor as long as you embrace it with joy as fruit – something you eat, enjoy, and discard the remains, and then you just go on to the next success. Too often people see a single success as making them so when it is over they cannot move forward. But the word teaches us that all treasure on earth rots away. (Matt 6:19)
Stop teaching yourself to be afraid of pain. Pain comes and goes, but when it comes it proves to you that you are alive, and it teaches you to avoid the thing, not everything, but that specific thing that caused it. Women, if you can endure the pain of childbirth (not that I have experienced it personally, but I have surely heard about it from credible, experienced people) you can take anything! And though you can’t understand it personally men, we all can find hopeful peace where Revelation 21:4 says “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Stop teaching yourself to be afraid of disappointment. Disappointment only lasts as long as you continue to dwell on it. Psalm 30:5 says weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Well, your morning light is when you allow yourself to receive the revelation that the situation is over now, and now that I have mourned it, it is a new day and a new opportunity, and continuing this will only keep me bound without helping anything to get better but only making things get worse, so I will release it now and move forward with my life! Disappointment only lasts as long, and is only as strong as, you allow it.
And overall, stop teaching yourself to fear PERIOD. I hate to sound cliché but fear is only false evidence appearing real, for 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (KJV).
Looking at those points, you can easily recognize that the only thing that can stop you from achieving anything, overcoming anything, or defeating anything in your life is you and the mentality that you submit and limit yourself to. This is a basic principle that my family, Ma, Venice, Oscar, etc., used to always tell me years ago back when I was in elementary school. Something that I always say is, “we are the creators of our own greatest destruction.” True, you will have naysayers, people that discourage you, but the only negative voice that can hinder you is the one you listen to, and the most influential naysayer voice, the one you can’t get away from, is yourself. So, believe in yourself, encourage yourself, uplift yourself, and achieve your dreams, yourself.
And nobody says it won’t be hard, or rather challenging, but YOU CAN DO IT …with Jesus, with Jesus, with Jesus! Like the Yolanda Adams song said, “You can make it! Come on and understand; you have everything inside of you to take it!”
Everything you need to take it is inside of you:
- God breathed His very spirit, the infinite life-giving, creative power, into man.
- God told man to take dominion over all animals, resources, and materials within the Earth
- God gave us His son to restore our proper place of authority and gave us faith, and the Holy Spirit, which makes nothing impossible to us.
- God even lives inside us! (1 Cor 6:19) Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you…?
You have everything you need to change your life, to take control of your life, to live your life to the fullest and more abundantly than you ever had imagined! You never really hear of God (OT) or Jesus (NT) healing anyone of poverty, or sorrow, or depression, or regret. Instead, the Bible uses action words, commands, and says BE OF GOOD CHEER, REJOICE ALWAYS, PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD AT ALL TIMES, BE ENCOURAGED! These are ACTION words – not passive. The Word doesn’t express that good cheer, joy, praise passively come to you, but instead it TELLS you to do it, it tells you get it, it tells you to be it! This means that it is a CHOICE that you have… and you have the power already inside of you to BE IT! Choose now to be the writer, director, and star of your own success story! You can do it!
And you know what, this is your day. This is your day to be fed up with talking about it. This is your day to be fed up with dreaming about it. This is your day to accept your power and responsibility, to believe in yourself, to take action, and to DO IT. Take it NOW!!!
By the grace of God,
Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
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Remember, the Bible is...
Remember though, God has also written His laws on our hearts, and it acts as our inner voice which it is very important to take heed of. Through study of the bible, that inner presence becomes stronger as well as our ability to decifer that truth within through anything the flesh and the devil try to throw to in our minds to confuse us of what we know is right deep inside.
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Money Worship
The Fear of God
Beware of the Ways of Sin
Conviction and Judgement
True Happiness
What Would You Do If...
Education and Religion 1
Education and Religion 2
The Truest Authority 1
Roots 1 and 2
Repair or Refund - 10/5/03
Time for Resolutions - 1/4/04
Signs of a Test - 1/18/04
Message to my fellow black man
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