Church of Universal God & Faith Equilibrium
"God always has something better!"
Pastor Kelvin N. Broadus
Founder of UGFE Ministries.

Before then though, there were all types of dangers and wrong paths that I went down. I leaned towards other religions trying to find the correct one. I was extremely close to becoming a gang member at one time, as well as another where I was practically a black power extremist (as in voilence motivated), during a time that I was filled with anger and rage, which I now believe came from the peer conflicts found in school and society. During my youth I was outcasted and hated, but now I know that my non-acceptance was for my protection and development to do God's will.
It was when I went to Basic Training, when for the first time in my life, I completely fit in, and was fully accepted for who I was and not who anyone wanted me to be. I was now applauded for my entire personality and all of my talents including: martial arts, poetry, rap, visual art, etc. When I got saved I didn't know what it meant, but I took it very serious. I began studying and praying, and within six months I felt the call to preach on my life. I kept following as I was lead by God, and eventually in December of 1999 I became ordained by United Christian Ministries International. Shortly, a few months or so, after this is when I received the vision for this ministry, and I have been continuing on since then. I served as Regional Elder for the state of Georgia in the United Christian Faith Ministries from 12/2003 to 1/2006, and have been a member since 2001. And now, I continue and go forward with a new ferver to take this ministry to the great places that God has revealed according to His will and purpose.
Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus was born and raised in Gray, GA, where he grew up attending Salem AME Church. From his youth to his manhood, he has always been exceptionally gifted and blessed, and has always excelled in academics and artistic gifts alike. During his youth he was inspired by great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Through such strong influence he has been, and continues to be, a civil rights activist and motivational speaker, speaking at churches, cultural events, and private engagements carrying the message of peace and unity to all that shall hear. Now he is taking his powerful messages public through this ministry, to reach the masses in America, in order to make a difference in the lives of the children of God. His speeches can also include personal performances of music and poetry about the messages that he speak about.
Rev. Broadus is the founder of Universal God & Faith Equilibrium (UGFE) Ministries and UGFE Ministry Institute. In addition to being a husband and father, he has been an ordained minister since Dec. 1999 and has been speaking change and improvement in the community for over half of his life. Mr. Broadus is a talented musician, poet, and artist and has been for over 10 years. Anointed with an abundance of gifts and talents by God including illustration, poetry, acting, music, and the prophetic interpretation of dreams as found in the book of Genesis, he someone you definitely do not want to miss out on.
For more information about Rev. Broadus, or for booking information, please email him at One thing for sure though, is that you will not be disappointed. You can also see his qualifications on his listing at
Services of Pastor Broadus
Evangelism - This organization is ready to provide evangelism to your church, group, or ministry. This evangelism ranges from revivals to conferences, from civil rights events to corporate motivational seminars.
Fitness and Health Training - Rev. Broadus will hold seminars to personally train your group on the art which he founded, GFS (Gargoyle Fighting Style), as well as in standard self defense, and army style fitness training.
Artistic Performance and Service - We will come to deliver the gifts that we were anointed with. Rev. Broadus is blessed with the gifts of poetry, song, rap, acting, and public speaking. We would be happy to provide the anointing from these divine gifts to you. We will also assist you in illustration and visual artistic services. Artistry At It's Finest
Spiritual Evaluation and Counseling - This is one of the major focus points of this ministry, providing one on one assistance to those in need. Rev. Broadus has always had a strong ability from the Lord to provide the highest of quality evaluations to individuals and organizations. This anointed man of God will provide provide prophetic spiritual counseling as needed and available to the children of God. Let us help you to achieve the excellence in your life that you truely deserve.