Church of Universal God & Faith Equilibrium
"God always has something better!"
Touching the World through Christ
- UGFE Ministry Institute - This is our educational/training branch, which operates as a Christian educational resource center as well as through Discipleship classes (Bible Study) and seminars. Here you will find answers to a variety of Biblical topics and are able to submit some of your own to
P.O.W. - This is a ministry to show the love of Christ to the Poor, the Orphans, and the Widows as instructed in James 1:27, Matt 25:39-40, Proverbs 14:31.
Project Abstinence - It is a shame that the effects of fornication have become such prominent epidemics in our society. Help us to take God's word of sexual purity to the world and help restore these Biblical values to the people.
Multimedia Minsitry - Through strategic use of TV/radio ads and printed materials that teach Christian values, we can cause a new wave of righteousness to manifest in our communities, reaching the lost and changing the world with the gospel.
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Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
Columbus, GA 31907
Fax: 253-295-7776
Your Donation...
will be used to strengthen the kingdom of God through various projects and outreaches of this ministry. In addition, we will gladly send you a receipt of your donation by request, and all funds donated in excess of our needs will be used accordingly to help the less fortunate through charitable functions and services.
Interested in sponsoring, or giving regularly to this ministry?
Your support is extremely valuable to this ministry. If you would like to make a donation to help carry this ministry, please send check or money order out to the address above. You can support us in the following ways:
Giver- a person who sees the vision of this ministry and wish to share from their abundance to either on a regular donation, or just random donations just to help out with the expenses. A giver assists financially on a charitible level (e.g. I just want to help out) whereas a sponsor's giving is more personal (e.g. I commit myself to seeing this project happen).
Sponsor- a person or an organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity (Merriam-Webster online). A sponsor is one who decides to undertake the financial burden of a project to ensure it is carried out, when enough resources aren't available.
We are a church that believes that God will bless you as you bless His work, yet it is not our place nor desire to pressure anyone to give. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit before you make any donations. Also, rest assured that any donation you provide will be used strictly for the purpose of the ministry as needed. We don't favor credit card donations because if it is from your credit card, then you don't really own it yourself, and we wouldn't want you to increase your debt on our behalf. Therefore please refrain from using your credit card unless you are sure that you have it under control.
Current Needs of the Church
A regular facility to worship
P.A. System Equipment
Multimedia Equipment- video & sound recording
Printing Technology Equipment
Musical Instruments
Tax Disclaimer: This is a ministry and church, but it is not incorporated, which means that though it is still non-profit, you may or may not be eligible for tax deduction. Yet, if you are truly giving from your heart, then the tax deduction would not be important to you. The Lord says to be a cheerful giver, which is "no strings attached," so give confidently in support of the ministry to strengthen the Kingdom of God.