True Happiness

By Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus

It seems that throughout the normal life, there is a continuous quest for true happiness, which is never found. Sure enough there are times when we are happy, even exceedingly, but always chasing after the particular aspects that are missing for complete satisfaction.

Usually this comes from the cause that our lives become based upon our circumstances, rather than our circumstances as a result of our lives. Various examples of circumstances that we choose are having kids, marriage, jobs, and those not chosen such as the economy, our government, cost of living, and inflation. All such things greatly alter our ability to truly search for and discover our truest meanings. Most is just based upon simple survival, and as the family grows, so does the requirements of survival, not only now for us, but others. So often great dreams are never pursued, never achieved, or destroyed at conception because of obligation to other responsibility, and there's nothing wrong with responsibility, for if we had none, this would be a world of greater confusion and anarchy than that already exists. And that would be a shame.

As we end up changing our dreams to fit our circumstance, piece-by-piece aspects of our true being fade away. Dreams never mature to reality because they seem too far-fetched and impossible, especially in relation to our circumstantial obligations and responsibilities.

Yet in the midst of such depressing reality, which is the majority of common life, there is hope, and that hope is named Jesus. There are very few options that we may express to accomplish such victory; only that which is in the will of God. And the only way to accomplish such victory, found in the will of God, is through faith. NO TRUE HAPPINESS AND COMPLETION CAN BE FOUND OUTSIDE OF THE WILL OF GOD, and Jesus is the way to enter. That is a very important statement. One of the greatest tragedy's of that reality is that so many never step into the will of God because of reasons of lack of faith, and allowing circumstances to lead them away. Those circumstances will always be something extremely close to the individual, such as family related, but there still remains victory through Christ. It may be based in finances, health, love, relationships, work, leisure, rest, stress, or anything else, but there still remains victory through Christ. The purpose of this message is that all reading may take a moment of reflection. Please take the time to review where you stand, and see what you have let go, whether it was recently, or thirty plus years ago. Though some of those things are dead, and need not be undug, the lesson learned form them shall prepare the way for the future. We need not seek to retrieve that which was lost, but strive for things far greater, and greater only will it be if it is in God's will for our life. Then and only then, shall we obtain that completion. As we seek, we shall understand how important such seeking is, for only in understanding of how important God's will for our life is, can we gain the intensity of the drive needed to be not swayed by any circumstance or distraction. And definitely remember, all those other things truly shall not be obtained, enjoyable as they should be, until we have first sought after the Kingdom of God, and entered into His will. Such seeking of all those things before the Kingdom equals continued failure and disappointment. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33) It is the only and most profound way of obtaining, true happiness.
By the grace of God,

UGFE Ministries


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