Roots I

These times bring challenges of faith and trust, and without solid foundation it is easy to be washed away and trampled. I want to remind you of the man who built his house on the sand verses the house on the rock. As soon as the storm hit the house that was built on the sand, it crumbled. When it comes to the strength of this life, we must get grounded. As you look in spirit you will see the strong winds of influence, everything from religion to temptation and the only way we will not be tossed around like a rag doll is to be firmly rooted in He who provides all life, God Almighty.

I recently had a dream that terrorist were going to hit us and there was nothing we could do to stop them leaving this entire country with two days of life. However likely or unlikely this may be, our next hour is not even promised to us. I encourage each of us to keep that in mind and live life in joy. No need for the stress and worry for it won't change things, and no matter how much aggravation we go through, God will never change. He is the only root we have for everything else passes away, and in him is the peace of all understanding that will remain no matter what may ever come our way.

Roots II

It is inevitable to avoid the truth that we must be grounded in God to gain any strength against the attacks of this world. It is also inevitable to avoid the truth that without being grounded in God and his will through His plan of salvation, that we will never see the kingdom of Heaven. This is because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). We are going beyond that though. I want you to keep in mind what happens to a plant. Sometimes we decide to get a little comfortable once we get grounded. Wrong answer. Just as a plant has to be continually fed, continually nourished, so do we. Jesus also told us that whomever thirsts and hungers for righteousness shall be filled, and just as that plant needs water, so do we. Just as that plant needs food, so do we. Therefore I encourage you not to get comfortable. We get a dose of the Holy Ghost, or experience a miraculous use of one of the spiritual gifts or anointings and think that we can rest, but as we grow in power, the more and stronger we need to be tapped into our source. The bigger house is, the more electricity it needs and uses. Likewise with a plant and any other thing in nature, the bigger it grows, the more food it requires. Well, our spirits are the same way, the stronger it grows, the more food it needs and if it gets slack and stops receiving that food, it will become weaker and easier to uproot. It is easy for our minds to start relaxing when things start smoothing out, but be strong and be not deceived; power is valuable, but must be supported with an increased source as its level increases. Ultimately, continue to feed and water those roots that are grounded, don't let neglect take your blessings away.

Be blessed and take the time to reflect and renew your roots in the good soil of the Lord.


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2002 © Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus, UGFE Ministries.  All rights reserved.