Education and Religion 2

By Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus

This is the second part to the information on education and religion. Ultimately, the reason behind it is to clarify the anointing of God. Others have said it before me, and I truly agree with the statement, "God doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies those that He calls." So often you will find that the most powerful people that God has used, has been the misfits; those people that were never accepted in school or the society in general. If anyone reading this has never "fit in" and is feeling discouraged about it, I want to let you know, BE NOT ASHAMED. There is a reason why you don't fit in. Don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with fitting in, in particular when you fit in with righteous behavior. Aside from that, everyone is not meant to be the leader, some are meant to be the follower, but even as a follower, righteousness is the place to stand. Yet often times, the reason you don't fit in is because God has held you aside for His special purpose. God often will not allow you to fit in the crowd, because the crowd is often not Godly. The crowd is often not up to God's standard, so if you are set apart in your righteousness, praise Him, for you have been blessed, despite how they try to insult you and make you feel something is wrong with you.

Now, back to the qualifications. God often chooses the people who seem to be the least among mankind, as that way He receives the greatest glory. That way, there can be no mistake of who is running things, and these ones are often the most willing to be used, for usually those with great academic knowledge tend to lose their belief, or choose science over God, or have too much pride to humble for God. The power of God is greater than any man-made standard of education, than any man-made qualification, and any man-made level of understanding. God is the truest qualifier, not man, nor college, nor educational institution, for even none of those would even be possible without the grace of God, and these institutions can only enhance that, which God has already provided.

Not meaning negativity towards the "normal" education, but the education that is received from God is the highest that you can receive. A person can go receive a PhD from he highest accredited theological school, but if he is not called to pastor by God, he should not be up there trying to do so, because he is out of God's will. Understand there is no education greater than that which God knows. The Bible tells us that true wisdom comes from God. Collegiate education can be and is beneficial, for we live in a society where it is valued, but the wisdom of the Word of God is superior. Collegiate education can help you to obtain the world, but it profits a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his soul. I'm not here to downgrade traditional educational, in fact I will encourage you to seek it if it is for you. Just do not allow such to cause you to neglect the knowledge that will save your soul, eternal or temporary?
By the grace of God,

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2001 © Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus, UGFE Ministries.  All rights reserved.