Thank you for your support!
Your donations are extremely valuable to this
ministry and will be used to support the various projects and
outreaches of this ministry. If you would like to make a donation,
please use the buttons to the right. You can give as a one time
donation, and enter the amount of your choice, or you can subscribe
to us monthly at $20/month.
We believe by faith that God will bless you as
you bless His work, yet it is not our place nor desire to pressure
anyone to give. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and rest
assured that any donation you provide will be used strictly for the
advancement of God's work. If you would like to send supplies or
volunteer, please email us so that we can provide you with the
proper mailing address. Thank you again, and God bless you!
Current Needs of the Church
A regular facility to worship
P.A. System Equipment
Multimedia Equipment- video & sound recording
Printing Technology Equipment
Musical Instruments
Tax Disclaimer: This is a ministry
and church, but it is not incorporated, which means that though it
is still non-profit, you may or may not be eligible for tax
deduction. Yet, if you are truly giving from your heart, then the
tax deduction would not be important to you. The Lord says to be a
cheerful giver, which is "no strings attached," so give confidently
in support of the ministry to strengthen the Kingdom of God.
Click the buttons below to donate online!
Monthly Support
One Time Donation