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Prophet Kelvin N. Broadus


My Testimony
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see. I can recall growing up going to church only on the holidays so I could eat the food, or on the Friday nights of revivals in order to see someone get the Holy Ghost, so that I could laugh at it. Those were the days of not really understanding what salvation was, or the trueness of God. It really wasn't until I was in Basic Training, in 1998, when I became saved and began the true path of a child of God.

Before then though, there were all types of dangers and wrong paths that I went down. I leaned towards other religions trying to find the correct one. I was extremely close to becoming a gang member at one time, and at another I was practically a black power extremist (as in violence motivated). During these times I was filled with anger and rage, which I now believe came from the peer conflicts found in school and society. During my youth I was constantly rejected and hated, but now I know that my non-acceptance was for my protection and the development of God's will for my life.

It was when I went to Basic Training though, that for the first time in my life I completely fit in and was fully accepted for who I was and not who anyone wanted me to be. I was now applauded for my entire personality and all of my talents including martial arts, poetry, rap, visual art, etc. When I got saved I didn't know what it meant, but I took it very serious. I began studying and praying, and within six months I felt the call to preach on my life. I kept following as I was lead by God, and eventually in December of 1999 I became ordained. Soon after this is when I received the vision for this ministry, and I have been continuing on since then.  I have served positions such as Regional/State Elder, Itinerant Minister, and Pastor/Founder of this ministry, and my callings are in the five-fold ministry in the offices of prophet and teacher. Now I continue to go forward with an ever-increasing fervor to take this ministry to the great places that God has revealed, according to His will and purpose.

Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus was born and raised in Gray, GA, where he grew up attending Salem AME Church. From his youth to his manhood, he has always been exceptionally gifted and blessed, and has always excelled in academics and artistic gifts alike. During his youth he was inspired by great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Through such strong influence he has been and continues to be a civil rights activist and motivational speaker, speaking at churches, cultural events, and private engagements carrying God's word to all that shall hear.

Rev. Broadus is the founder of Universal God & Faith Equilibrium (UGFE) Ministries and UGFE Ministry Institute. He is a husband and a father, and has been an ordained minister since Dec. 1999; yet he has been speaking change and improvement in the community for over half of his life. Mr. Broadus is also a talented musician, poet, and artist and has been for over 10 years, even using the arts to shine light in this dark world through his website, www.kelvinbroadus.com. Anointed with an abundance of gifts and talents by God, he someone you definitely do not want to miss out on for your event or revival.

2007 (c) UGFE Ministries