
One of our goals is to help to ensure that you are prepared for the Christian voyage.  To assist with this preparation, we have put together various resources for instruction to provide you with a spiritual foundation for whatever capacity you shall serve. We are here to make disciples for Christ that desire to truly serve Christ, rather than just being complacent. We pray that, and know that, through such discipleship you will be educated and empowered to do great service to the world on behalf of our Lord.

UGFE Resources
The following studies/teachings have been created for the use of UGFE Ministry Institute to help provide a deeper level of knowledge of the word of God.  Feel free to print and study them for personal use.  You may also use them with your ministry group as long as it is done for free, and proper credit/reference is given.  We pray that these be a great blessing to your spiritual journey.

Studies of Ministry by: Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
Peace and Balance by: Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
Christian Counseling by: Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
Praise Study by: Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus
Homosexuality: Why the Bible Calls It Sin by: Rev. Kelvin N. Broadus

External Resources
Here are links to some external sources which we feel will be helpful for your spiritual growth and development as you seek the wisdom and knowledge of God.  We pray that you will find them very useful and beneficial during your walk with Christ.

Bible In A Year Program Read the entire Bible in a year.
Living Water - The Gospel of John by: The Living Water Project
Tithing for Christians Excellent resource teaching the truth about tithing for Christians.

More teachings will be added over time. Also, if you have created Biblically sound teachings and would like for these resources to be featured here, please emails us at institute@ugfe.org.